Friday, March 19, 2010

Chief Exorcist - Cheap way of imitating a Veda Acharya

The Vatican has a chief exorcist. Maybe the ghost exists in all the skirts worn by the x'ian popes and fathers in the vatican :).
This guy Gabriele Amorth- exorcist of the church and his poop. . err sorry Pope needs some good education about the human mind. They dare to tell us all that even Hitler and Stain were possessed by Devil. Laughable condition of affairs in the church I must say. No wonder that such arrogance and ignorance gave rise to the modern 'Spirit of Enquiry' - a more rebellious movement against the church. This is what the religion based on strict monotheistic principles can do. No wonder the mullahs are no better.

Compare this to an acharya who was all knowledgeable about veda, upanishad, ayurveda and the shastras. The ones who understood the insane nature of human mind and tamed it from various angles of science and religion.
No wonder the arabs and jesus himself came running to discover us to understand this enormous wealth of knowledge (and not for spices, unlike what we have been taught in the schools).
Where do the stupid catholic missionaries stand when compared to the rishis and yogis who gave the esoteric knowledge of the vedas to human kind. This is Bhaarat, India, the Land of the Hindus.

1 comment:

  1. A very interesting angle I like this. Very nice comparison or is there any comparison at all. These catholic priests and mullahs do not have any knowledge except the power of deception, lies, violence and conversion. Mullahs are even a worst lot and since have no knowledge at all resort to violence. Ignorant people resorts to violence when faced with knowledge they cannot argue. Both islam and christanity have no spirituality. No deep meaning and understanding of the human soul, cosmos, God etc. They just have one book. One god damn book to define save humanity and impart knowledge. Even science has many books on physics, chemistry, Biology etc. because the knowledge is so vast and is contributed by so many researchers and scientist that one man and one book cannot have all the answers. Sanatana Dharma is the most scientific faith/ philosophy and all the Rishis were scientist who over the ages with experiments of all types from science to spirituality contributed to Hinduism in so many books and over thousands and thousands of years. Like we call the scientist of today enlightened men so were our Rishis enlightened men of their age and time.

    These books of these fake faiths (christianity and islam) is made up of lies written by humans and not anyone divine or remotely intelligent.

    PS: Funnily as I type a bunch of missionaries showed up at my door. I gave them a earful and sent them on their way
